ჩვენი ჯიჯი/наша GG
კომენტარი (2)
20 May, 2016 Year
Ho ho, who woldua thunk it, right? http://oohoddvystc.com [url=http://airhjvrpes.com]airhjvrpes[/url] [link=http://brvwssvu.com]brvwssvu[/link]
19 May, 2016 Year
Ton passage sur les reflex est très réducteur. Les boitiers semi-pro ne correspondent pas a la description que tu ten fais . Les boitiers grands public ont pour particularité davoir peu de colimateurs, que lAF soit imprécis (surtout avec l&i7#18;util2sation dobjectif a très grandes ouvertures), et davoir un viseur de taille ridicule (met loeil dans le viseur dun boitier argentique). Les boitiers Semi-Pro pallient pour partie à ces défauts, et coutent entre 1000€ et 1500€ sans objectif. Lentrée de gamme en boitier pro commence a 2500€.
Dmitry Gurtskaya - founder / owner of the GG
Dear Guests, Thank you for the interest you showed in Gurtskaya Gymnasium (GG) and our web page.
We realize it, how difficult it is to make vital decisions concerning the education of children for the parents. The quality of basic education, and education in general, could influence on the future life of family and on the fate of the child.
We are ready to offer the jobs for the teachers, where they will be able to realize their creativity, potential, innovative ideas and talents.
We hope, that our web page will help you to make the first acquaintance with the possibilities of GG, and you will be able to make an appropriate decision concerning future education for your children.